Commencing 5th January 2025 at our 10AM Services
All of us want to be healthy. This series in Paul’s letter to Titus will help us think through
being healthy believers as part of a healthy church.
Titus was left in Crete to “put in order” (1:5) the church that had been formed through the
preaching of the gospel. He was to help it be a “Healthy” (sound – 1:9; 1:13; 2:2; 2:8) church,
devoted and eager to do what is good. But how does a church become healthy?
Paul shows Titus that a healthy church flows from…
Healthy Teaching of the truth
(Sound doctrine; Knowledge of the truth; that leads to godliness)
…from (or overseen by) Healthy Leaders
(1:5 – appoint elders…1:9 so that he can encourage...and refute.)
…which leads to Healthy Believers
(2:1-3:11 – sound in the faith; eager to do good, transformed by the truth).
…which leads to Healthy Witness
(2:5; 2:10 – making the teaching of God attractive).
Our prayer is that as we eaves drop on these instructions from Paul to Titus is that we will by
implication learn what we need and what we must do to become healthy believers.
You can listen to all of the sermons in this series below: