Commencing 13th October 2024 at our 5PM Services
A man from Colossae called Epaphras was converted by Paul in Ephesus and then founded the church in Colossae. Soon afterwards he was troubled by some "Christian teachers" who said that Jesus was not enough for a full Christian life and they needed to add spiritual practices and experiences. He travelled to seek guidance from Paul who was under house arrest in Rome.
When he heard Epaphras' report, Paul wrote a letter to the Colossian church and the nearby town of Laodicea. They (and we) have everything in Christ so don’t need to add to Him by spiritual practices (e.g. going to church twice on a Sunday) or having spiritual experiences (e.g. speaking in tongues). This tears down any thought that there are 1st class Christians and 2nd class Christians. There is no room for pride or judgmentalism in the church.
You can listen to all of the sermons in this series below: