Commencing 21st April at our 10AM Services
This term we are going to be flying through the book of Revelation. One of the dangers of this great bible book is that we get so lost in the details we miss what’s going on as a whole. Therefore we will ambitiously covering the whole of Revelation in 12 sermons. We will also be going through the letters to the churches in our Grow Groups this term.
Revelation was written to churches around 90AD living in the emperor worshipping, Christian persecuting Roman empire. These churches faced the threat of persecution, deception from false teaching, the draws of the world, and losing their love for Jesus. Revelation is essentially a letter written to encourage these churches to stay faithful to Jesus as the path to true victory. It does this with prophecy written in many word pictures that find their roots in the Old Testament. These prophecies encourage the church about the sovereignty of God and Jesus over history and nations, by assuring them of final judgement, by setting before them a big and powerful view of Jesus the lion-lamb, and by showing them the true path to victory is faithfulness to Jesus even when things are hard.
We aim to go through revelation in 12 sermons giving us the big picture of the book which we hope will help equip us for understanding some of those details we at times find so confusing fit into the letter.
1:1-3 – Revelation from Jesus – a message to take to heart
1:4-19 – Do not be afraid
2:1 – 3:22 – Whoever has ears / to the one who is victorious
4:1 – 5:14 – a door standing open in heaven
6:1 – 8:5 – Who can stand?
8:6 – 11:19 – The mystery of God will be accomplished
12:1 – 14:20 – A holy war that calls for patient endurance
15:1 – 16:21 – True and just are your judgement / “it is done!”
17:1 – 19:10 – Woes and a wedding (Judgement against Babylon)
19:11 – 20:15 – King of kings and Lord of Lords.
21:1 – 22:5 – A new heaven and new earth for the victorious
22:6-21 – I am coming soon.
You can listen to all of the sermons in this series below: